All Praise be to Allah and Peace and Blessings be
upon his messenger:
The news has become widespread of the earthquake in Turkey and
many have differed in opinions and thoughts about it some
sympathizers and some who felt Turkey deserved more, and we are
of the second category, and one must ask why?
First and foremost look at both pictures on top and below this
page it is indeed a miracle from Allah to start with; a miracle
of this century. A camera lens captures a miracle from Allah if
we were to realize it we would flee onto Allah and repent to him.
Look how the town was totally destroyed and most of the buildings
were leveled with the face of the earth especially around the
mosque except for the mosque which was unharmed at all and a
building across the street from the mosque, the side facing the
mosque is totally unharmed yet the rest of the sides of the
building was damaged, because had it Collapsed it would have fell
on the masjids extension.
If one were to guess before the earthquake what in that town
would be damaged it would be of course the masjid Minaret. Its
tall thin weak based structure are all indication that any earth
movement will force it collapse but no! Everything was destroyed
but that! SUBHAN ALLAH!
It is a miracle from Allah to show the Turks and the world that
what the Turks tried eagerly and fiercely to destroy was the only
thing saved.
It is the Turkish government and along with the support of the
Turkish population that declared war upon Allah in the past few
years and especially in the past few months.
It is the grand kids of the heroic men of the Ottoman empire who
saved Islam for a long period of timeæ who have come now to
throw their fore fathers teaching behind their back and declare
war on Allah openly and clearly without fear of anything or
anyone. They thought their proud alliance with the descendants of
the monkeys and pigs and Christians would save them but when
Allah orders something no one and nothing will stand in its way.
The Turkish people along with their government declared war on
Allah when a female Muslim who won a Parliament seat was ousted
and voted out for the sole reason she wore a scarf on her hair.
She was ousted, she was shun, she was harmed and deported out to
Texas, USA where her father is a Imam of a masjid. WHY? Because
she wore a scarf!
The Turkish people have declared war on Allah when they supported
their government in annihilating , eliminating and banning the
Islamic party from working for Islam although its know to be easy
and far from abiding strictly to Islamic Rules, YET IT WAS BANNED
for the mere fact it had the smell of Islam in it!
The Turkish people backing their government declared war on Allah
when they issued a series of laws such as firing any government
employee or military personal caught praying in public and also
he may be subject to a prison sentence depending on his position
Among the laws that were passes declaring war on ALLAH was any
government official or military personal whose wife was wearing
scarf he will be fired and subject to prison term!
The Turkish government even ordered a BAN on teaching Islam as a
subject which was a once a week subject in schools in response to
a request by their MASTER JEWS!
The Turks banned the Memorization of Koran (charitable teaching
in masques).
That is the Truskish government and that is the Turkish people
except very few who Allah was mercy with.
And then what?
The Turks throughout their media began showing their military
power, and pride in USA, UK, and Israel alliances. In fact the
Turkish media had put so much emphasis on how strong it as become
and how nothing would be able to harm it because its military was
so strong and its alliance with USA, UK and Israel was at its
peak. There is not one neighbor of any of the countries
surrounding Turkey that the Turks did not threaten and create
practice missions near their borders along and side by side with
Jewish troops. Just like pharaoh when he sat on his thrown proud
and showed off with the water flowing under him Allah used that
same water to flow over him and cause his
What happened in Turkey?
Allah said:(Did the people of the towns feel secure against the
coming of the wrath by night while they were sleep? Or else did
they feel secure against its coming in broad daylight while they
played about care-free? Did they then feel secure against
Allahs devising but no one can feel secure from the plan of
Allah, except those doomed in
ruin) 7:97-99
ALLAHU AKBAR MUSLIMS!! The first thing the earthquake hit by
Allah was one of Turkeys biggest naval basis with troops from
Israeli soldiers and Turkish soldiers. When the Earthquake first
hit the base the ground swallowed them and the shores swept them
off the face of the earth and the scene was as though there was
never a navy base there.
The Turkish and world media with the Turkish people complained
the first few days that the government sat without doing anything
but in fact the government had took ALL its resources to the
naval base area to try to recover what it can firstly and
foremostly the Jewish soldiers and then the Turkish soldiers
while those general Muslims who most likely are Muslims by name
lay under the rummage of the their homes and buildings awaiting
death. May those who dies along side the Jewish soldiers be stuck
with them in hell fire!
Do you see how cheap the blood of those so-called Muslims has
become in comparison with the Jewish soldiers? Do you see how the
Turkish government betrayed its own people leaving them under
their collapsed houses trying to rescue Jewish cowards?
There has not been a country on the face of this earth in the
past decade that declared war on Allah and showed off its power
and strength as well as its alliance with the enemies of Allah
like Turkey did.
Even Jews on their filth did not reach the point Turkey did.
After this summery of crimes committed against Allah is there any
one who doubts Allah mercifulness in not erasing Turkey off the
face of the earth?
Should we be surprised to see the town of Golcuk
completely demolished except of the masjid and its minaret, not a
single broken window?
Shall we be surprised that Turkish newspapers reported over
100,000 dead and hundreds of hundreds of thousand missing and
I have spoken to some of our brothers there and many of them told
me we wish Turkey was erased off the face of the earth from what
we see of Islamic ordains being mocked, disgraced as well as
challenged, and the good people will be brought upon on the
judgement day in heaven insallah.
We do not deny that amongst the Turkish people are sincere
believer but they are few if not rare, Turkish people unlike
other countries seemed to have supported their government by vast
majority, those very few who did not may Allah be at their aid
and show them more miracles and saÑe them from all harm.